Hi, my name is Mrs Rebecca and I am the co-founder and director of Grace Worship Arts, first established as Grace School of Dance in 2008. Born in Canada, I have lived in the US as a Permanent Resident most of my adult life.
My husband of 24 years is Pastor Scott Laird (Pioneer Christian Fellowship)
My husband of 24 years is Pastor Scott Laird (Pioneer Christian Fellowship)
and we have been richly blessed with three sons: Ian (age 19), Mac (age 16), and Nathan (age 12)(https://youtube.com/channel/UCwl_YOvcebIrdJtHC7I1dbg)
Favorite Drink: Hazelnut Latté @cupofgracearcade
🩰 At Grace I study and teach Ballet, Worship Dance & Flags, and recently have started learning tap.
My first classical ballet lesson was at age 40, which fulfilled a lifelong dream. Though I was very interested in the arts since childhood, there were not many opportunities in my rural area to pursue this, though I did enjoy gymnastics, baton, high school colour guard, ministering as a soloist, and performing in various cantatas and school musicals. In my young adult years, the Lord moved me to further develop my worship dance and choreography which eventually led me to develop the Worship Dance Team at PCF where I taught workshops, choreographed and ministered in dance for 17 years.
I am a graduate of Elim Bible Institute (class of 1994), Major: Bible and Ministry, Minor: Music, and have recently entered the Business Administration program with a focus on Non-profit Management. I am also and am credentialed as a Licensed Minister with Elim Fellowship.
️ At GWA I serve as Executive Director of our non-profit organization, I teach Beginner/Intermediate Ballet and Intro to Acro, and I am very honored to provide Creative Direction for all of our productions.
Favorite Animal: a well-trained Labrador Retriever, currently our Lab Mix rescue dog, Maggie. I find animals to be quite valuable and therapeutic, so we have both pets and livestock on our little hobby farm: dog , cat , crested gecko 🦎, laying hens , and a baby goat named Sprout. We raised exclusively grass-fed beef for several years.
Hobbies: I enjoy amateur photography, and raised bed/front porch gardening. 15 years ago I turned my scrapbooking and card-making hobby into a small business as a consultant and Maker/Advocate with Close to my Heart.
Ecclesiastes 3 is one of my life verses, since I lost my young husband to cancer in 1998. There is a season for everything - a time to mourn, a time to dance ... and "He has made everything beautiful in its time." Throughout my life the Lord has taught me to trust His love and guidance no matter what I face. The longer you serve the Lord with joy, the easier it becomes to look back and see that through the good, the bad, and the ugly He is
weaving a beautiful story. He refines our character and strengthens our hearts through the difficult times; He refreshes and delights with us in times of success and victory. I am living proof that there is a faithful, just, all-knowing, all-powerful God at work. He truly wasted nothing, and makes everything beautiful in its time.
Favorite Drink: Hazelnut Latté @cupofgracearcade
🩰 At Grace I study and teach Ballet, Worship Dance & Flags, and recently have started learning tap.
My first classical ballet lesson was at age 40, which fulfilled a lifelong dream. Though I was very interested in the arts since childhood, there were not many opportunities in my rural area to pursue this, though I did enjoy gymnastics, baton, high school colour guard, ministering as a soloist, and performing in various cantatas and school musicals. In my young adult years, the Lord moved me to further develop my worship dance and choreography which eventually led me to develop the Worship Dance Team at PCF where I taught workshops, choreographed and ministered in dance for 17 years.
I am a graduate of Elim Bible Institute (class of 1994), Major: Bible and Ministry, Minor: Music, and have recently entered the Business Administration program with a focus on Non-profit Management. I am also and am credentialed as a Licensed Minister with Elim Fellowship.
️ At GWA I serve as Executive Director of our non-profit organization, I teach Beginner/Intermediate Ballet and Intro to Acro, and I am very honored to provide Creative Direction for all of our productions.
Favorite Animal: a well-trained Labrador Retriever, currently our Lab Mix rescue dog, Maggie. I find animals to be quite valuable and therapeutic, so we have both pets and livestock on our little hobby farm: dog , cat , crested gecko 🦎, laying hens , and a baby goat named Sprout. We raised exclusively grass-fed beef for several years.
Hobbies: I enjoy amateur photography, and raised bed/front porch gardening. 15 years ago I turned my scrapbooking and card-making hobby into a small business as a consultant and Maker/Advocate with Close to my Heart.
Ecclesiastes 3 is one of my life verses, since I lost my young husband to cancer in 1998. There is a season for everything - a time to mourn, a time to dance ... and "He has made everything beautiful in its time." Throughout my life the Lord has taught me to trust His love and guidance no matter what I face. The longer you serve the Lord with joy, the easier it becomes to look back and see that through the good, the bad, and the ugly He is
weaving a beautiful story. He refines our character and strengthens our hearts through the difficult times; He refreshes and delights with us in times of success and victory. I am living proof that there is a faithful, just, all-knowing, all-powerful God at work. He truly wasted nothing, and makes everything beautiful in its time.